Plans of Study

Students choose from one of the following tracks of study:

  1. MA EXAM: total of 30 hours (10 classes). Students select 3 areas of examination and must pass all three in order to receive their degree. Exams are written, take three hours each. No oral defense. Graduate Students planning on taking the MA exams must declare their exam areas to the Spanish Graduate Advisor the semester prior to their final semester.
  2. MA THESIS: total of 36 hours. May be taken in the following combinations: 30 hours (10 classes) in Spanish and 6 hours (2 courses) of thesis credit. Students work with a major professor expert in the student's chosen area who serves as the director of the thesis and two other members of the committee, one of whom must be a member of the Spanish graduate faculty. Oral defense required.

The Spanish M.A. Reading List for Graduate students can be found here.

General Orientation of the UNT Spanish MA Program

Click here for Spanish MA Powerpoint PDF.

Current Graduate Course Offerings

Click here for graduate course offerings.

Resources for UNT Graduate Students:

Graduate student support services

Graduate student workshops

Writing resources

Academic and career support