The following is a list of Spanish classes that are regularly offered during the fall
or spring semesters of the academic year:
- SPAN 1010: Elementary Spanish I
- SPAN 1020: Elementary Spanish II
- SPAN 1030: Review of Elementary Spanish
- SPAN 2040: Intermediate Spanish I
- SPAN 2050: Intermediate Spanish II
- SPAN 3001: Advanced Conversation for Non-Native Speakers
- SPAN 3002: Advanced Conversation for Native Speakers
- SPAN 3003: Advanced Grammar
- SPAN 3004: Advanced Composition
- Spanish 3020: Spanish Translation
- SPAN 3030: Readings in Spanish-American Short Story
- SPAN 3050: Readings in Hispanic Literature
- SPAN 3080: Development of Spanish Language Proficiency
- SPAN 3110: Introduction to Hispanic Literature
- SPAN 3140: Mexican Civilization
- SPAN 3150: Spanish Culture & Civilization
- SPAN 3160: Latin American Culture & Civilization
- SPAN 3180: Latin American Culture Through Film
- SPAN 3510 - Spanish for Law Enforcement
- SPAN 3520 - Spanish for Social Services
- SPAN 3530 - Spanish for Hotel and Restaurant Management
- SPAN 3540 - Spanish for Travel and Tourism
- SPAN 3550 - Spanish for the Medical Professions I
- SPAN 3560 - Spanish for the Medical Professions II
- SPAN 3570: Spanish in the Bilingual Classroom
- SPAN 4010: Aspects of Contemporary Mexican Culture
- SPAN 4040 - Spanish Writing for the Mass Media Professions
- SPAN 4080 - Business Spanish
- SPAN 4095: Spanish Idiomatic Expressions in Context
- SPAN 4150: Foreign Language Teaching Methods
- SPAN 4210: Spanish Phonetics & Pronunciation
- SPAN 4242: Latin American Fantastic Literature and Science Fiction
- SPAN 4250: Acquisition of Spanish as a Second Language
- SPAN 4260: Linguistics Structures of Spanish
- SPAN 4310: Survey of Spanish Literature I
- SPAN 4320: Survey of Spanish Literature II
- SPAN 4360: Survey of Spanish-American Literature I
- SPAN 4370: Survey of Spanish-American Literature II
- SPAN 4385: Hispanic Culture in the United States
- SPAN 4430: Sexualities in Contemporary Spanish Cinema
- SPAN 4450: Contemporary Spanish Culture Through Cinema
For a current list of available classes, visit