Grad Track: Accelerated B.A. and M.A. in Spanish | Department of Spanish

Grad Track: Accelerated B.A. and M.A. in Spanish

If you are interested in the Spanish Grad Track:

  1. Make an appointment with Spanish Undergraduate Advisor, Dr. Emily Thurman ( to discuss Grad Track when you are about to complete at least 75 credit hours in Spanish with a GPA of 3.5 or better.
  2. After Dr. Thurman has reviewed your transcript and confirmed your GPA, she will forward your name to the Graduate Advisor, Dr. Jiyoung Yoon.
  3. Dr. Yoon will request writing and speaking samples (the latter an audio file) from you which she will circulate among all Spanish graduate faculty for their feedback.
  4. Once approved by the Spanish graduate faculty, you will complete the Grad Track application and submit it to Toulouse Graduate School.
  5. You will be notified of your acceptance by Toulouse Graduate School.
  6. Once you have completed 90 undergraduate hours, you will be allowed to take Spanish 5000 level graduate courses in your senior year.
  7. Upon graduating with a B.A. in Spanish, you must apply to Toulouse Graduate School through the applyTexas Portal ($75 fee).
  8. Once admitted to the Spanish MA program, you will begin paying graduate course fees.
  9. Once enrolled in Grad Track, undergraduate students must have continuous enrollment and continue with their Master's immediately after finishing the B.A. in Spanish since time off between the two degrees is not allowed.
  10. Full time graduate students in Spanish are urged to apply to the Tuition Benefit Program and to Teaching Assistantships at the departmental level to offset the cost of graduate education.

Benefits of Grad Track in Spanish

  • Qualified students can earn graduate credit hours as undergraduates and pay undergraduate tuition while enrolled in graduate classes
  • Grad Track credits apply towards both the fulfillment of the undergraduate and graduate degrees
  • Students earn a B.A. and M.A. in Spanish in less time and therefore save money

For more information, contact Dr. Emily Thurman, Spanish Undergraduate Advisor, at

For more information on the Master's in Spanish program, contact Dr. Jiyoung Yoon, Spanish Graduate Advisor, at